
Welcome to our January Newsletter!

On behalf of us all here at GEOS Melbourne, we would like to wish you all a very happy new year and welsome you to our first Newsletter in 2010. We're all very excited about this year and what GEOS has to offer.
Please take note of new contact details for staff and also staff changes within the school.

It's a very exciting time in Melbourne with the Australian Open having just kicked off!


2010 - GEOS goes Green!

We are pleased to announce our new 2010 GEOS Green policy! At GEOS Melbourne we work to limit the amount of paper used throughout the entire school under a program we call GEOS Green. GEOS Green means we recycle, we reduce waste and try to limit the amount of excess water, power and paper that is used. We welcome any suggestions you have. Please email Tim on tim@geosmelbourne.com.au or Anne on marketing@geosmelbourne.com.au with any questions or suggestions.

Staff Update- Farewell Junka

It was with great sadness we said goodbye to Junka Nikahara on December 18th. Junka worked for GEOS Melbourne for over 3 years and was an extremely dedicated and loyal member of the team here. We wish Junka all the very best in her new adventure and thank her for her hard work. We'll miss you Junka.

Congratulations to Tim Field on becoming International Relations Manager here at GEOS Melbourne. Tim oversees the marketing and student services departments. Well Done Tim!

Natalie Reddy, the former General Manager of GEOS Melbourne, is no longer working for GEOS Melbourne.